Courtesy of: Your Rio Vista Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna

Health Alert: Long-Term Night Shift Work Raises Breast Cancer Risk. An analysis of data from eleven case-controlled studies found that working nights for ten years can increase a woman’s risk for breast cancer by 23%, and the risk continues to rise the more years she works nights.                                                                                          BMC Public Health, July 2024

Diet: Fish Oil May Help Improve Blood Lipid Readings. Following an analysis of data concerning more than 441,000 adults, researchers report that taking a daily fish oil supplement is associated with improved total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, even for individuals with a genetic predisposition for high cholesterol.

Exercise: How Exercise Can Boost Motivation. In a recent experiment, scientists from the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre observed that the release of interleukin 15 in response to physical activity signals the brain to enhance motor activity of the muscles, thereby encouraging exercise to continue.                                                  Science Advances, April 2024

Chiropractic: Most Professional Drivers Have Low Back Pain. A meta-analysis of data from 53 studies found that 55.3% of professional drivers experienced at least one episode of low back pain during the previous year, while 33.8% had back pain within the previous month.                                                                                                                            Public Health, June 2024

Mental Attitude: Depression Increases Risk for Sleep Disorder. Questionnaires completed by 402 taxi drivers who had been on the job for a decade revealed that those with depression were seven times more likely to have a sleep disorder than their peers without a mood disorder. Additionally, the more severe their depressive symptoms, the greater their risk for sleep troubles.                                        Health Science Reports, September 2024

Wellness/Prevention: Many Women are Unaware of Key Endometrial Cancer Warning Sign. A recent survey found that a third of women did not know that postmenopausal bleeding is a warning sign of endometrial cancer, and 41% said they would not report it to their doctor unless it happened more than once. Experts note that while there are no screening tests currently available to spot endometrial cancer, addressing it at the first signs of symptoms like abnormal bleeding can significantly increase the odds of successful treatment.                                                                        Menopause, July 2024

Quote: “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” ~ Neale Donald Walsch

Your Rio Vista Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna