WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE for Monday, March 28th, 2022

Courtesy of: Your Napa Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna Health Alert: Nearly 1 in 3 Adults Don’t Know the Most Common Heart Attack Symptom. According to a recent study, only about 70% of adults in the United States and Canada can identify chest pain/discomfort as a symptom of myocardial infarction. Other common heart attack symptoms include shortness of breath; arm/shoulder pain/discomfort; feeling weak, lighthea...

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE for Monday, March 21st, 2022

ourtesy of: Your Napa Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna Health Alert: A Crowded ER Can Cost Lives. An analysis of data concerning more than 5 million emergency room (ER) visits found that if delays in admission exceed five hours, an individual’s risk of death in the next 30 days increases by 8%. Emergency Medicine Journal, January 2022 Diet: Vitamin D May Help Reduce Autoimmune Disease Risk. More

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE for Monday, March 14th, 2022

Courtesy of: Your Napa Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna Health Alert: 1 in 5 Post-Stroke Patients Have Recurring Depression. According to a study that followed stroke survivors for nearly eight years, 40% will experience at least one episode of depression with half of such individuals reporting recurrent depression. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, March 2022 Diet: Soft Drink C...

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE for Monday, March 7th, 2022

Courtesy of: Your Napa Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna Health Alert: Plastics May Contribute to Obesity. A lab analysis of commonly used plastic products revealed that a third contained chemicals known to interfere with human metabolism and contribute to fat cell development. Study co-author Dr. Martin Wagner adds, “Our experiments show that ordinary plastic products contain a mix of substances that can be a rele...