WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE for Monday, March 25th, 2024

Courtesy of: Your Rio Vista Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna Health Alert: Irregular Sleep Pattern Can Affect Health During Midlife. According to a recent study, middle-aged adults who don’t maintain a consistent sleep schedule from night to night are more likely to develop poor metabolic and cardiovascular health than their peers who go to bed around the same time. Journal of Activity, Sedentary and Sle...

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE for Monday, March 18th, 2024

Courtesy of: Your Rio Vista Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna Health Alert: Detergent Pod Poisoning Still a Threat for Kids. Despite the adoption of voluntary industry standards, poison control centers throughout the United States continue to receive one call every 44 minutes regard a child being harmed through inappropriate exposure to a liquid laundry detergent pod. Health experts have recommended manufactu...

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE for Monday, March 11th, 2023

Courtesy of: Your Rio Vista Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna Health Alert: Global Burden of Smoking on Low Back Pain and Rheumatoid Arthritis… An analysis of data collected from 192 countries found that smoking contributes to 84.5 million cases of low back pain and 11.3 million cases of rheumatoid arthritis each year. This accounts for an estimated $326 billion in direct healthcare costs and lost productivity...

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE for Monday, March 4th, 2024

Courtesy of: Your Rio Vista Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna Health Alert: Shoveling Snow Can Trigger Heart Issues. The American Heart Association notes that the exertion, cold air exposure, and breath-holding that often accompanies shoveling snow can result in potentially dangerous increases in heart rate and blood pressure, especially for those with existing heart risks or low fitness. If you must shovel sn...