WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE for Monday, March 27th, 2023

Courtesy of: Your Rio Vista Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna Health Alert: Bad Sleep in Teen Years May Raise MS Risk. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system in which the immune system attacks the brain and spinal cord resulting in symptoms such as numbness, tingling, mood changes, memory problems, pain, fatigue, blindness, and paralysis. A survey of 2,100 adult MS patients and 3,00...

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE for Monday, March 20th, 2023

Courtesy of: Your Rio Vista Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna Health Alert: Frequent Use Antibiotics Associated with Greater Risk for IBD. With the aid of information from the Danish national medical database, researchers observed an association between frequent antibiotic use and an elevated risk for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The finding underscores the importance of avoiding antibiotic overuse as sev...

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE for Monday, March 13th, 2023

Courtesy of: Your Rio Vista Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna Health Alert: Traffic Noise May Contribute to Tinnitus Risk. Following an analysis of data concerning 3.5 million Danish adults, researchers report that for every 10-decibel increase in noise in an individual’s home from nearby roadways, the risk for tinnitus increases by 6%. The research team speculates that traffic noise may indirectly affect tinn...

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE for Monday, March 6th, 2023

Courtesy of: Your Rio Vista Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna Health Alert: Many People Are Not Prepared for Medical Emergencies. The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) recently conducted a poll of 2,199 adults and found that only 55% could provide CPR, 47% knew how to apply a tourniquet to control severe bleeding, and 29% felt they could use an automated external defibrillator to address sudden c...