Courtesy of: Your Napa Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna
Health Alert: Many Families Face Financial Hardship When Having a Baby. According to a recent study, the
combination of insurance premiums and out-of-pocket medical costs related to pregnancy and birth may account for 20-30% of a low-income family’s annual income. Obstetrics and Gynecology, March 2022
Diet: A...
WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE for Monday, May 23rd, 2022
Courtesy of: Your Napa Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna
Health Alert: Sleep-Disordered Breathing May Raise Risk for Lung Cancer. Sleep-disordered breathing is a
group of conditions characterized by abnormal sleeping patterns, which includes obstructive sleep apnea. Following
a review of data from seven studies, researchers report that sleep-disordered breathing may elevate the risk for lung
cancer diagnosis by ...
WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE for Monday, May 16th, 2022
Courtesy of: Your Napa Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna
Health Alert: Beware of Trucks and SUVs When Going for a Walk. An analysis of single-vehicle pedestrian
crashes found that the risk of a pedestrian being killed by a right-turning vehicle was 89% higher for pickups and 63% higher for SUVs than standard cars. These findings suggest the need to examine the visibility designs of larger vehicles to reduce blind ...
WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE for Monday, May 9th, 2022
Courtesy of: Your Napa Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna
Health Alert: Cholesterol Issues in 30s Linked to Alzheimer’s Risk. Researchers analyzed data on nearly 5,000
people who underwent thorough exams during three specific age periods: 35-50, 51-60, and 61-70. They found that individuals who developed Alzheimer's disease later in life were more likely to have had lower levels of high-density lipids (HDL) or "goo...
WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE for Monday, May 2nd, 2022
Courtesy of: Your Napa Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna
Health Alert: Triglycerides Increase Stroke Risk? Researchers monitored 870 patients with a history of stroke
and found that those with high triglycerides suffered repeat strokes at double the rate of those with normal triglycerides levels. Despite their findings, the research team is uncertain if triglycerides are fully to blame and will conduct further res...