Courtesy of: Your Napa Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna
Health Alert: Beware of Breathing Issues in Children During Sleep. Interviews with over 1,600 parents revealed
that nearly all considered symptoms of apnea (snoring and/or gasping) among their children to be a problem, but most failed to share these concerns with their child’s healthcare provider. Researcher Dr. Kurt Lushington writes, “While there does need to be more education for parents on symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing—particularly around snoring or heavy breathing being a potential cause for concern—there are clearly other barriers to parents bringing up sleep problems in medical consultations… To address this, we suggest medical practitioners need to purposely include questions about sleep at consultations to prompt parents to discuss any symptoms they may have observed in their children at night.” University of South Australia, July 2021
Diet: Lack of Fiber May Increase Risk of Gut Infection. During an experiment on the effect of different diets and
obesity on mice, researchers observed that a low fiber intake—regardless of other diet qualities—was associated with a greater risk for developing adherent–invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) infection in the intestinal tract.
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, July 2021
Exercise: Exercise Can Alter Expression of Some Disease-Related Genes. Epigenetic marks are chemical
modifications that serve as on/off switches for many genes. In a recent study, researchers observed that participating in a six-week endurance exercise program stimulated epigenetic changes to genes normally associated with increased risk for disease. Molecular Metabolism, July 2021
Chiropractic: Neck Linked to Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms. Several recent studies have suggested that injury to the neck may be associated with prolonged recovery from concussion. In this study, researchers observed that the addition of conservative care to improve cervical function to the treatment plan of post-concussion syndrome patients improved outcomes. Doctors of chiropractic are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the
cervical spine that commonly accompany concussion. Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy, July 2021
Mental Attitude: Acne Can Affect Mental Wellbeing. A survey of 50 adults suffering from acne revealed that the skin condition can have a negative effect on one’s emotional wellbeing. Study author Dr. John Barbieri explains, “Some felt that their acne made them appear less professional or qualified at work, and many described that having fewer peers with acne in adulthood magnified the impact of acne on their mental health, leading to feelings of social isolation.” JAMA Dermatology, July 2021
Wellness/Prevention: How to Avoid Being a Victim of Crime. Columbia University offers these tips to reduce one’s risk for being a victim of crime: pay attention to your surroundings; limit time spent on phone calls in public places; if you suspect someone is following you, find an open store or public space and call the police; and keep electronic devices in an inside pocket. Columbia University, July 2021
Quote: “The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Your Napa Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna