Courtesy of: Your Napa Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna
Mental Attitude: Americans Are Stressed. A worldwide poll conducted last year revealed that about 55% of Americans said they felt stressed the day before, compared to just 35% in other countries, and nearly 45% of
Americans felt worry the day before, compared to 39% worldwide. Gallup, April 2019
Health Alert: Warning for Those Who Use Sleep Aids. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has slapped a tough new warning label on prescription medications such as Zolpidem, Eszopiclone, and Zaleplon.
The move was in response to 66 cases of patients engaging in dangerous behaviors due to daytime drowsiness the day after use, of which a third resulted in fatalities related to carbon monoxide poisoning, drowning, falls,
hypothermia, or motor vehicle accidents. FDA Acting Commissioner Dr. Ned Sharpless adds, “We recognize that millions of Americans suffer from insomnia and rely on these drugs to help them sleep better at night…
while these incidents are rare, they are serious and it’s important that patients and healthcare professionals are aware of the risk.” Food and Drug Administration, April 2019
Diet: Skipping Breakfast May Not Be Good for the Heart. Researchers tracked the health of over 6,500 Americans for about 20 years and found that people who said they never had breakfast had an 87% higher risk of death from heart-related causes than those who always ate breakfast.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, April 2019
Exercise: Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy… Following their analysis of data from 76 published studies, researchers report that women who exercise during pregnancy have a reduced risk for excessive gestational weight gain, gestational diabetes, and symptoms of postpartum depression.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, June 2019
Chiropractic: Thoracic Manipulation for Cervical Radiculopathy? Among a group of 43 patients with cervical radiculopathy, those treated with thoracic spinal manipulation experienced improvements in pain, function, cervical range of motion, and deep neck flexor endurance that were not experienced by participants who received a sham treatment. Doctors of chiropractic often utilize spinal manipulation in the management of
patients with cervical radiculopathy. Journal of Orthopedics and Sports Physical Therapy, May 2019
Wellness/Prevention: Older Adults in Pain Are More Likely to Be Lonely. Questionnaires completed by 9,299 seniors revealed that those with musculoskeletal (MSK) pain were more likely to be socially isolated than
their peers without MSK pain. British Journal of Pain, May 2019
Quote: “Life is 10 percent what you make it, and 90 percent how you take it.” ~ Irving Berlin
Your Napa Chiropractor Dr. Joseph T. Megna