Chiropractic Adjusting Instrument

The ArthroStim Instrument is a handheld machine that aids in performing Gentler Chiropractic Adjusting. By dividing the energy of a single adjustment thrust into rapid successive inputs, the ArthroStim Instrument modulates the force applied in treatment, but in a much more comfortable and effective manner.

Just as lasers have replaced scalpels in some surgeries, advanced Chiropractic Adjusting Instrument technology has become available to chiropractors to assist in delivering Gentler chiropractic adjustments.

Napa Chiropractic Adjustment

Your chiropractor and thousands of other doctors around the world now use Chiropractic Adjusting Instrument technology in the care of their patients. These patented and FDA registered devices are specifically created to deliver gentle and precise chiropractic adjustments to the joints of the spine and extremities to relieve pain and restore function.

With Chiropractic Adjusting Instrument adjustments there is no popping or cracking, but rather very precise and targeted adjustments designed to specifically care for just the right areas.

Years of research have gone into the development of the Chiropractic Adjusting Instruments to create gentle chiropractic adjustments that are safe and effective for patients of all ages.

Experience Safe and Effective Natural Health Care with Chiropractic Instrument Adjusting 

Once your Chiropractor has diagnosed your problem the treatment or solution to the problem is known as The Chiropractic Adjustment. The Chiropractic Adjustment is a high velocity, low amplitude or fast short thrust. This biomechanical and neurological release, re-set and re-calibration is why Chiropractic Adjustments are so effective.

A Chiropractic Adjusting Instrument delivers an adjustive thrust that is 100 times faster than what a Chiropractor can deliver by hand. The speed of the instrument delivered thrust makes it very effective and at the same time the controlled depth of the instrument delivered thrust makes it very safe. The result is more biomechanically efficient adjustments
that are Gentler and easier on patients.  Additionally, the force delivered by the instrument and the speed of repetition is adjustable to suit different areas of the body.


This allows chiropractors to deliver comfortable and effective adjustments to the area of the body needing treatment. This special Chiropractic Instrument can deliver effective rapid pulses better and more efficient than the human hands can, and it can direct the input where it needs to be for the best results.

Most patients find the instrument adjustment to be very comfortable while at the same time very effective. While I am considered an excellent manual or by hand adjuster by my peers, these days most of the adjusting I do is with a Chiropractic Instrument.

Call (707) 226-5200 Napa CA

One of the primary techniques used by Doctors of Chiropractic is the “chiropractic adjustment”

Learn more about chiropractic adjustment here > >

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